Thursday, January 21, 2010

What Is Fulviderm For What Is The Evidence For Iran Developing Nuclear Weapons?

What is the evidence for Iran developing nuclear weapons? - what is fulviderm for

Iran (and not just Ahmadinejad) emphasizes, it attempts to develop nuclear weapons and refuses to use its nuclear program for peaceful purposes. So, why the U.S. government into a panic that they intend to build nuclear weapons in Iran? Is there evidence that Iran is causing this? What is it?


Vash said...

The proof is = this is the second largest oil exporter in the world. delicious oil ...

And I still resentment against the United States for
1. that the CIA installed a puppet dictator of his country in the 1950s.
2. An armed attack on Iran to Iraq in the 1980s. The war lasted eight years. Caused the death of millions.
3. directly intervened and destroyed several Iranian warships during the Iran withdrawal of Iraqi soil
4. Iranian plane shot down by "mistake".
5. "Intentionally mistranslated the Iranian regime of President of Israel (the government) should be replaced" in "Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map
6. Iran is a country called "terrorist"
7. the daily propaganda against Iran, which the average Americans that Iran is the enemy of evil represented in the world ... while Iran has never attacked anyone really in the last 500 years.

Vash said...

The proof is = this is the second largest oil exporter in the world. delicious oil ...

And I still resentment against the United States for
1. that the CIA installed a puppet dictator of his country in the 1950s.
2. An armed attack on Iran to Iraq in the 1980s. The war lasted eight years. Caused the death of millions.
3. directly intervened and destroyed several Iranian warships during the Iran withdrawal of Iraqi soil
4. Iranian plane shot down by "mistake".
5. "Intentionally mistranslated the Iranian regime of President of Israel (the government) should be replaced" in "Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map
6. Iran is a country called "terrorist"
7. the daily propaganda against Iran, which the average Americans that Iran is the enemy of evil represented in the world ... while Iran has never attacked anyone really in the last 500 years.

Rick W said...

Iran has several nuclear facilities. "While there is a huge amount of evidence on this point a look at the status of Iran in the world. It is a terrorist regime. Support for terrorism in the fight against U.S. troops in Iraq, require continuous elimination of Israel. Also played with the United Nations. It is not test nuclear weapons, but why you should not allow the purchase.

ana2rosa... said...

I do not know what evidence there is. But I think you should be able to the word of a man (Ahmadinejad) who denies the Holocaust, trust, threatens to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and the slogan "Death to America runs." Iran is a known sponsor of terrorism. Do we really have the possibility that its nuclear ambitions are peaceful?

Cyrus K said...

Take as part of his reluctance to speak, everyone else and how can we be sure that it is safe. that what they propose to tell enriched uranium to the problems they have to use. Iran is not really in the area of reliability and the foot of power and weapons. If the enrichment of uranium that could be stolen and sold for a country like Nkore who said that they use against us.

Smell This said...

... Iran has more than 5,000 centrifuges online ... "they" ramp up separate nuclear materials, the class of weapons!

Jane F said...

I do not believe that the United States has evidence to prove it. It is only a pretext to increase pressure on Iran to get more points, to negotiate with them.

tfoley50... said...

You can use the missile in its oil supplies in Saudi Arabia or Iraq, will be launched this autumn, a missile and landed in a field by the gas seen higher prices.

Zaybar said...

Two words. Oil and debt.
Allows you to control the debt and oil provided the money.

Mr smarty pants said...

They are the weapons of fear in the world
DONT doubt for a second

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